Combat Robotics
Combat Robotics is a technical project within ASME @ UCLA (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers at UCLA). The group is split into two levels: an introductory 3lb division and an advanced 15lb division (known as Flagship). Bots are designed and assembled incorporating a drive system, robust chassis, internal batteries and electronics, and a weapon system for going head-to-head with other robots. Both divisions typically attend competition in the spring. During my time in Combat Robotics, I worked to create the robots detailed below and took both of them to represent UCLA in competition.
Heckin Chonker (2019-2020)
Heckin Chonker is a 15lb combat robot which competed in the NRL Sacramento: California Clash in February 2019 (UCLA's only 15lb entry). It is a horizontal spinner bot made almost entirely of aluminum and steel components. After my experience with the 3lb DoomDiamond (below), our team made the jump to 15lb when a new competition opened up; as a result, the development of the Heckin Chonker was highly accelerated and the robot was created start-to-finish in just over 2 months. Our 6-person team worked tirelessly to bring the completed robot to competition. Though we were quickly taken down by some more experienced competitors, we had a blast bringing the Chonker to life.
DoomDiamond (2018-2019)
DoomDiamond was my first combat robot, which I worked on during my Freshman year at UCLA in a team of 5 members. DoomDiamond is a 3lb robot constructed of 3D printed, aluminum, steel, and acrylic parts. The "diamond" design was created to give the robot a symmetrical profile, so it could function if flipped over during battle. DoomDiamond is an example of a Vertical Spinner robot, which aims to impact or flip its opponents with a tool steel blade.
The DoomDiamond faced off in the UC Berkeley RoboBears competition in March 2019. It was a great first experience with combat robotics.