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Other Engineering Projects

Listed below are a few miscellaneous projects I've worked on in my time in college and high school engineering. They showcase both mechanical and electronic skills as well as the wide variety of work I've done over my engineering career.  


HandPrint Project  (2019)

HandPrint is a personal prosthetic/costume design project made between January and October 2019. I began the project with a concept of a unique mechanical device that could replicate the motion of a human hand without the use of electronics. HandPrint was designed in Fusion360 CAD software and assembled using 3d printed parts, strings, and other hardware components. When worn on the hand, the hand's motions are transmitted via strings to actuate the mirror-image digits on the opposite side. 


I worked on this project mainly to challenge myself, and to create something unique. Videos and progress photos can be seen in the gallery below. 


RoMeLa SCALER   (2021)

In summer 2021, I joined RoMeLa (Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory) in order to help with the mechanical systems of one of their newest robots, SCALER. This 4-legged robot is capable of walking as well as climbing in between parallel walls using custom grippers. I worked on robot assembly and the design of RGB cooling fan mounts as well as drafting a design for a unique flexible shell to protect the robot's internal components. Since the body of the robot flexes while it climbs, the shell needs to be able to conform to that motion while remaining rigid and sturdy to protect the robot in event of a fall.


The Soupervisor Robot   (2021)

The Soupervisor is an automated soup-stirring robot created for Dennis Hong's Kinematics of Robotics class at UCLA. Between six group members, we were responsible for designing, simulating, and building an actuated robotic arm to serve a specific purpose. Our group chose to make a robot for stirring soup. The Soupervisor is capable of grasping a spoon, positioning itself over a pot, and adjusting its position and stir radius for different cookware.  I was responsible for the majority of the robot CAD as well as planning the kinematic frames and parameters for calculation. 


MechaniCar Go-Kart   (2018)

MechaniCar was created during my first quarter at UCLA within a project-based engineering class. The Go-Kart design class taught students the basics of SOLIDWORKS, hardware usage, electronics, assembly, and final testing. I worked with 5 other students to design and build the project in preparation for a final race. Our team created the only Go-Kart that could successfully navigate the race course. 

I worked primarily on designing the drivetrain system as well as assembling the final machine. I also drove the Go-Kart during part of the final race! 


Other Engineering: Image Gallery

More images of the projects detailed above as well as other, smaller projects.

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